Rapid Results Coaching Program

How to Achieve Quick and Impactful Results in Your Career and Personal Growth, Without Wasting Countless Hours on Trial and Error, Even If You're Hesitant to Invest in Coaching.

Courage, Risks and Rewards


Are you tired of spinning your wheels and wasting precious time on trial and error?

Are you ready to achieve quick and impactful results in your career and personal growth?

Are you a busy individual, who has big dreams but limited time?

Whether you're a busy executive, an aspiring entrepreneur, or a determined go-getter, this program is the perfect fit for you.


Imagine Conquering Obstacles and Transforming Your Life at Lightning Speed!

Our Rapid Results Coaching Program is not just about the journey; it's about reaching your destination and achieving success without compromise. We specialize in empowering you to handle nerve-wracking conversations, master time management, boost confidence, and achieve rapid success.

The Top Five Challenges Our Ideal Customers Face

Let's address the challenges many of our clients face and how our coaching program can help you overcome them:

  1. Never enough time in the day: We help you find that extra time for yourself and your goals, so you can achieve more in less time.
  2. Managing priorities: Our coaching provides you with the guidance you need to make important decisions quickly and efficiently, helping you identify what truly matters in your career and personal life.
  3. Lack of confidence and self-belief: We are here to help you boost your self-confidence and believe in your own potential, so you can overcome doubts and fears that hold you back from reaching your full potential.
  4. Effective communication skills: Our coaching will improve your communication skills, helping you express your thoughts and ideas clearly, especially in high-pressure situations, and build stronger relationships.
  5. Managing stress and work-life balance: Our coaching will provide you with strategies to manage stress and prioritize self-care, allowing you to excel in your career while still having time for your health, hobbies, and loved ones.

Achieve Quick and Impactful Results - No More Trial and Error!

Our coaching program is tailored to help you achieve quick and impactful results. Say goodbye to endless trial and error! You'll discover your personal roadmap to success, saving you countless hours of wasted time.

Say Hello to More Time, Confidence, and Balance

Are you struggling with time management? Our coaching will teach you how to effectively prioritize tasks and make the most of every moment. You will learn how to balance work, family, and personal growth effortlessly.

Do you crave confidence and the ability to overcome challenges?

Our coaching has helped numerous clients gain confidence and conquer their obstacles. Just listen to this success story:

"Transitioning from massage to coaching was daunting, especially with my tech struggles and 'Technology is hard – I repel it!' mindset. Thanks to your coaching program, I gained confidence through grounding routines, essential oils, and your tech expertise. Shifting my mindset to 'tech is easy' was transformative, and your guidance in setting up my virtual office was priceless. Thank you for turning my tech challenges into growth opportunities on my coaching journey." 

We Want You to Make the Most of Every Moment

Our coaching program helps you achieve a better balance between your professional responsibilities and personal well-being. We want you to experience a sense of calm and relaxation, free from constant burnout. You will excel in your career while still having time to focus on your health, hobbies, and loved ones.


You Absolutely Can Learn How to Access the Courage to Take Healthy Risks. And When You Do, You'll Reap the Rewards in Terms of Fulfillment and Satisfaction.


So what's stopping you?

Lack of time:
Our coaching program is designed to fit into your schedule, with unlimited 15-minute 1:1 coaching calls scheduled at your convenience.

How effective is coaching? We have a proven track record of helping individuals achieve their goals. Just listen to this client's experience:

"I was stuck with getting my mind around some overwhelming projects. Your coaching techniques helped me break through the barriers I had set for myself. At the end of the session, I felt my motivation return and had a plan for tackling my projects!"

Fear of vulnerability or judgment: Our coaching sessions are a safe space. We are here to empower you, not judge you. Our goal is to help you overcome your challenges and rise above them.

I can't afford coaching: Think of coaching as an investment in yourself. With our program, you will gain personalized guidance, unlimited support, and a comprehensive roadmap to success. It's a small price to pay for the rapid and impactful results you will achieve.

Doubts about the speed of results: Our coaching program is specifically designed for rapid results. We have helped countless individuals accelerate their progress. Just listen to this client's experience:

"After our coaching call, I was calmer, centered, far less easily flustered, and so much more able to quickly assess my current state of being and address it if necessary. I feel like I am able to think clearly and productively."


I'd like to invite you to join me for this program… 

Rapid Results Coaching: Achieve Quick and Impactful Results in Your Career and Personal Growth Without Wasting Countless
Hours on Trial and Error


Our Rapid Results Coaching Program is a six-month program that will help you achieve quick and impactful results in your career and personal growth.


When you enroll in Rapid Results Coaching you receive:

Fast Start Consult ($250 Value)

  • Your first call will be a 30 minute consult in which we'll create a crystal clear vision for your goals.
  • Together we will come up with a plan with your next steps to get you moving forward.

Personalized Guidance ($3000 value)

  • Unlimited 15-minute 1:1 coaching calls with me for 6 months, scheduled at your convenience.
  • On each call we'll decide on your next step and the action steps that will make it happen. We'll decide on the actions together, so that it will move you forward and also feel inspiring to you.
  • Once you've completed your actions you can schedule your next call.

Call Recordings ($50 Value)

  • After each call, I'll send you an email with a link to the recording of our call

Voxer Support ($1500 value)

  • Reach out to me anytime you need additional support or have questions.
  • You'll have unlimited Voxer (phone app) access to me while you work on your actions so that you'll be able to easily move forward to reach your goals.

That's a TOTAL Value of $4800!! But that's not what you'll pay....

And now, you may be wondering how much this is going to cost you.

First, I'd love for you to consider this an investment rather than a cost. You see, you can expect a huge return in terms of your ability to conquer obstacles, elevate your career, and transform your life at a lightening-fast pace.

That being said, how much is that ability worth to you?

Normally I sell my Life in Forward Motion 6 month coaching program for thousands of dollars, but I've figured out a way to make coaching affordable, especially if money is an issue. That's why I've created the Rapid Results Coaching Program.

Now for a limited number of new clients, for a one-time payment of just $997, you get 6 months of unlimited 15 minute laser coaching calls!

I'm Ready for Rapid Results!



I understand that for my one-time investment of $997, I receive:

Fast Start Consult ($250 Value)

  • Your first call will be a 30 minute consult in which we'll create a crystal clear vision for your goals.
  • Together we will come up with a plan with your next steps to get you moving forward.

Personalized Guidance ($3000 value)

  • Unlimited 15-minute 1:1 coaching calls with me for 6 months, scheduled at your convenience.

Call Recordings ($50 Value)

  • After each call, I'll send you an email with a link to the recording of our call

Voxer Support ($1500 value)

  • Reach out to me anytime you need additional support or have questions.
  • You'll have unlimited Voxer (phone app) access to me while you work on your actions so that you'll be able to easily move forward to reach your goals.

And I understand I make this investment at no risk, because during my Fast Start Consult, if I feel this is not the program for me, my money will be returned in full. 

Sign me up for $997!




Right now, you have a choice:

You can continue on as you have, remaining safe—but dissatisfied—inside your comfort zone.

Or you can take a small, healthy risk in this very moment, and begin shifting your mindset around taking chances and creating change.

What's it going to be?

Live Life Inspired!


P.S. Take this chance. Change your life! Don’t think about what you have to lose … what do you have to gain?

Sign me up for Rapid Results!